
Participation in Initiatives

As a SDGs management initiative, we will carefully examine various organizations that contribute to the promotion of SDGs, establish organizations that endorse the purpose of the establishment and the content of activities as a group, and promote participation in such organizations. After the subscription, the Company will actively disclose information and provide information related to SDGs to the institution.


Endorsement of the United Nations Global Compact

OUTSOURCING Inc. became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and participated in Global Compact Network Japan on April 16, 2021.

UNGC is an initiative to build global society in cooperation with the United Nations and Private Companies, and each company take their responsible creative leadership to participate voluntary action in order to behave as a decent citizen to achieve sustainable development.

The OS Group supports the Ten Principles in 4 areas of UNGC “Human Rights, Labour, Environment, and Anti-Corruption”, and realize the management philosophy of “enhancing the quality of life of everyone around the world by eliminating inequalities in working condition and creating truly motivating workplaces.”

The Ten Principles in 4 areas of the United Nations Global Compact

Human Rights Principle 1 Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2 make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Labour Principle 3 Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4 the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5 the effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6 the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Environment Principle 7 Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
Principle 8 undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9 encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Anti-Corruption Principle 10 Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Participation in Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs)

OUTSOURCING Inc. has endorsed the “WEPS,” a set of principles of action prepared by the United Nations Global Compact and United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) to promote women's active participation in the workplace and signed a statement to act in accordance with the principles.

For some time, the OUTSOURCING Group has been actively promoting women’s active participation corresponding to its diversity promotion activities. Through this signing, we will reiterate the Group's stance toward the promotion of women’s active participation in the workplace, within and outside of the group, and further accelerate our efforts on diversity promotion activities by making WEPs a globally shared guideline for the Group on gender equality.

7 Principles of “WEPS”

Management strategy Principle 1 High-level corporate leadership
Workplace Principle 2 Treat all women and men fairly at work without discrimination
Principle 3 Employee health, well-being and safety
Principle 4 Education and training for career advancement
Marketplace Principle 5 Enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices
Community Principle 6 Community initiatives and advocacy
Disclosure Principle 7 Measurement and reporting


Endorsement of Nippon Keidanren's "Challenge to 30% by 2030"

On May 27, 2021, we announced our endorsement of Nippon Keidanren Federation (hereinafter Keidanren) “Challenge to 30% by 2030.”

The "Challenge to 30% by 2030" was announced by Keidanren in November 2020 with the aim of creating a movement toward achieving the goal of "30% or more of female directors by 2030" set forth in the “New Growth Strategy.”

We will promote diversity and inclusion based on the four guidelines outlined below by Keidanren in order to form a movement toward this goal and lead the development of a sustainable society and growth through innovation.

1 We will position diversity and inclusion as an important pillar of our management strategy and promote initiatives that will lead to business impact.
2 Focusing on the Board of Directors, which is the decision-making body of companies, we will accelerate efforts to make use of the perspectives of women and other diverse human resources in business execution and governance.
3 In order to strengthen our talent pipeline*, we will provide support tailored to each career stage, from recruitment to the development of executive talent (including visualization of candidates).
*Mechanism for producing successors without interruption at each level and generation of the organization
4 We will overcome our existing employment practices and reform our organizational culture in order to create an organization and environment that can maximize the performance of all employees.

Click here for details on "Challenge to 30% by 2030"

# HereWeGo203030 (Special website for "Challenge to 30% by 2030")

Participation in JP MIRAI, a responsible platform for accepting foreign workers

Our group is highly regarded by customers for its appropriate management track record in the field of commissioned management of foreign technicians, etc. As a prominent domestic operator supporting over 20,000 people, we provide a wide range of support for the working and living environment in Japan for foreigners who have entered Japan with a variety of residence statuses, such as foreign technical intern trainees and specific skills.

Core group companies in the management outsourcing business have become full members of The Global Alliance for Sustainable Supply Chain (ASSC), which tackles human rights and labor issues for foreigners, and have joined JP MIRAI, a responsible platform for accepting foreigners, promoted by ASSC and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). In this way, we are also demonstrating our initiatives to promote sustainable supply chains in Japan under international collaboration.